Friday, March 8, 2013

Visit to see my mom, sister and her family.

I wanted so much to be with my mom on her birthday this year but it was impossible. We were in Santo Domingo that day hosting the visit of Elder Andersen of the Qourum of the twelve and Elder Rasband of the Seventy. It turned out wonderful since he gave us a blessing. I had been putting flights on hold in case I could still use my miles at a different time in February and I did. I went for about 12 days from Feb. 22 to March 4 and I even got a chance to stop in Miami to see Mari. In El Salvador I participated in a huge Helping hands activity of 2000 members to clean a lake that has been contaminated by a vicious plant called ninfa. I got dirty like everybody else and worked hard that day untill my eyes were itching and burning. The plant is toxic and it gives out a stinging feeling. My hands were also itching for days even though I wore gloves. LIz had to go to Honduras to watch Paola play soccer and I became like their other mother to the boys. Alex took us to Church mostly thanks to the missionaries who came and ivited him, it made all of us so happy he agreed.  I loved the fact that I got a chance to attend Church twice and to see many of my old friends and sweet faithful women I admire so much. I also got to visit an elderly woman in Miramonte, niƱa Alicia. She has always appreciate me coming. Two sons Richard and Larry still live close by and larry still comes every day to eat lunch with her. I went to the Foreign Affairs office too because I feel they need to call the perfect Honorary Consul in Utah that I know so well but I don't know what they will do with that. I honesty can't stand those people who are so inept. I am so sad for my country that has the worst men you can think of running for President. I do have hope that the new mission will help the situation. I am also excited to learn that our friend Kai Hintze is going there as the mission President. I will for sure want come as often as I can while they are there.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Char has a new baby brother!

Sydney Almeida gave birth to a healthy baby boy on February 25 2013!
 Yes, we knew it was going to be a boy but you always wonder what he would look like. I think by what I have been told this boy looks a lot like Pablo. They have named him Graeme Ulysses.