Sunday, June 2, 2013

Beckett Kelly Dame is born!

On June 1 2013 I get a call from Cristi telling me that she is feeling contractions and that she thinks the baby will come three weeks early and that she is not ready. I told her to go to the Hospital if the contractions got stronger and more frequent because the last thing she wants is to have this baby at home or in an ambulance. They did go around midnight and sure enough the baby was born the next day on June 2 2013 and they named him Beckett Kelly Dame.

I changed my flight to get there as soon as I could. The only problem is that I wasn't much help. Somehow I caught a nasty cold on the way there and got so sick. For three weeks instead of me helping out, I was the one they had to care for. Nevertheless, it was so wonderful to meet the newest member of our family. Now Daniel and I share 8 grandchildren.