Monday, September 24, 2018

Visit of Sharon Eubank and sister Cardon

From September 10th 2018 to September 24th we had the visit of both Sharon Eubank and sister Cardon. It was wonderful to meet both these amazing women. We took them to intramuros and many humanitarian projects. Sheron did training with the missionaries and we had devotionals with them also. I went with Sharon everywhere we went and even gave her a copy of my book.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Teaching Relief Society

A calling I love is teaching once a month in the Relief Society because I learn so much from these amazing women. I am so grateful to know them.

Monday, September 17, 2018

What these horses taught me.

Today our intramuros tour also included a ride in a carriage driven by horses. These horses have their eyes covered so they don't get distracted with any thing around them. They are only to obey their master who is guiding them. Interesting to think that at times we need to do the same and focus on just doing what we supposed to other than a million other things that are nor that important and that is the lesson I learned today as I watched them.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Visit to a retreat

Today we went to Cavite to the food production project with the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction. They teach how to grow food plating native crops that uses no irrigation. They also have a nice retreat for people to stay.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Overnight in Tokyo

If you ever find yourself having to wait overnight for your next flight in Tokyo. They have the capsules. This is a place like a hotel where you get to rest for the night or during the day up to 9 hours. It is just big enough for one person only and it has a pillow and blanket. The have everything organized in blocks of lockers, showers, mirrors with hair dryers and toilets and the capsules. All clustered together. What a great concept if you are by yourself.