Monday, February 18, 2013

Visit of Elder Andersen and Elder Rasband

For ten days we were busy with the visit of Elder Neil Andersen and a Seventy, Elder Rasband. The picture was taken at a dinner at the Hilton Hotel in Santo Domingo were they were staying. I traslated for sister Rasband and for sister Andersen. They participated in stake conferences, missinary devotionals as well as young adult and young men and young women devotionals. They also had meetings with all the stake presidents and bishops. There was a special meeting with the stake presidents's wives and the mission Presidents wives including the Temple President wife. In that meeting they went over D&C section 25 and they talked about meekness, being an elect lady, to lay aside the things of this world ,be aware of pride and to cleave unto the covenants. They also came to the office for a special devotional. I love elder Rasband's comments on being united. He said: The power of unity vs. Individual, individual members together come as one read Mosiah 18:21 " And he commanded them that there be no contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith, and one baptism, having their hears knit together in unity and in love one towards another." He spoke of love and harmony. Elder Rasband told us at dinner  that he likes to say a story and to build his talk based on a story or something you can picture in your mind and for the office the example he gave was the choir. How effort is put in to each sounding so wonderful as a whole. Elder Andersen was more direct and told the employees if one of them feels that their faith is diminishing to leave their place of employment. He read D & C 12:8" And no one can assist in this workexcept he shall be humble and full of love, haivng faith, hope and charity, being temperate in all things, whatsoever shall be entrusted to his care." and Alma 32:41 that talks about nourishing the faith with great diligence. He started by telling everyone that there are two voices we can adhere. One is the gentle small voice of the Holy Spirit and the other is the voice of our Prophet and Aposttles. Elder Andersen thinks of a topic and works around his topic.
 What I gathered from the sisters is their love for Christ. The courage to stand for what you know is true. Sister Rasband talked about the statue of Liverety in New York and how she has a torch that can be seeing from far away. Sister Andersen told the missionaries how the whole world is constantly praying for them. Elder Andersen talked about prech my gospel and talked about the change someone feels after they have been converted. Sister Andersen also told the story of her mother who very faithfully always paid her tithing and she saw a change of dress after she had gone to the Temple. The meetings were all so amazing and wonderful but the most wonderful part of this visit is tha Elder Andersen gave our family a blessing. He gave a very special Apostolic blessing to my children, garandchildren and great-grandchldren who were not even born yet. The last words of Elder Andersen at the stake conference were: We are becoming something more... we are becoming children of God. I testify that Jesus is the Christ, I am a witness of Jesus Christ,  he lives!

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