Monday, April 14, 2014

Lights, camera, action!

On Saturday April 12, 2014 we had a crew taping Daniel about his thoughts on the new Self -Reliance program of the Church. My husband was asked a few questions like: "What does self-reliance mean to you?  etc. It has been a special project here in the DR because we were chosen to be pilots of this program.

 It changed the way employment centers and the Perpetual Education Fund work. It is more complete now and it includes everyone. I love this program and I am very passionate about it. The message is very clear. Self-reliance is the ability, commitment and effort to provide for the spiritual and temporal well-being of ourselves and of our families. As members we are asked to watch over other members who might be in some type of need.

 Bishops and Stake Presidents need to be aware of anyone among us who might need resources in becoming self-reliant so they can endure times of adversity. The idea is that we should all help each other and be more aware of one another. We need to encourage our members in getting a post secondary education or vocational training, learning to work and living within our means and by avoiding debt and saving money for a rainy day. The main idea of becoming self-reliant is to get ourselves on higher ground so that we can lift others in need. Daniel did a great job explaning the program.

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