Saturday, September 14, 2013

Bianca's wish

Bianca has this wish to be a mother. She loves children and Joseph is so cute with kids but it has not happened yet. It is what our family is praying for. I would love to see my child hold a baby of her own. Last April I received the news that her doctor couldn't hear the heartbead of her baby. She was 8 weeks pregnant by that Monday April 15 when she heard the news.  I cried when I read the email she sent us. When I told Daniel, he said: "you better go to New York" and so I called Margie to see if I could get a body pass from her to fly jet blue ASAP and she found someone who had one so thanks to her, I got on the plane the next day to spent time with her and even went to the store and to the Manhattan temple the day before she had her D&C procedure done on Friday April 19. A very sad day for my sweet Bianca.

 It was such an emotional drain for everyone. Bianca even showed me a little cute stuff  Easter bunny she had bought at the Grand Central store a few days earlier. I wanted so much to take all that pain away if I could. But what I appreciated the most was to watch how people around her were concerned and wanted to help. Someone loan them a car, another brought dinner,others sent flowers, many called etc. Even a simple how are you doing? feels good when you are going through grief. It will not take the sadness away but it will make you feel better knowing that people do care.

 On Saturday she even felt better to clean the apartment. I made chicken soup and lasagna. Bianca made some crapes on Sunday. We had to either take a taxi, the bus, train or subway to get anywhere because on top of it all, their car broke down and was at the repair shop. It was great to be at Church on Sunday and to watch Bishop Joseph Merkley, my son-in-law conduct the meeting. I cound't be more proud. I bought my ticket to come back on Sunday because the next Monday Mandy was getting home from her mini mission.

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