Saturday, September 14, 2013

Cluster Meeting in Panama

For the first time I got to see the amazing Panama Canal and to experieced it, but crossing from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean or the other way around. It is still incredible to me to know it was built by men over a century ago. I also never had realized how long it takes to go across, like five hours.

The meetings like always were fantastic. Bishop Stevenson and Gary Porter and Jorge Duran were in charge of the meetings. We learned of the beautiful blessings that come when you follow the teachings of our Heavenly Father and Jesus. How many programs in the Church have dramatically changed. The new way of teaching, the age for missionaries to serve, family history, the changes with PEF and the employment centers, etc. All these changes are to better serve others.

 One of the highlights was to see the Temple in Panama and to meet some very nice members there. I loved it, the meeting with the women was wonderful. It was inspired by a beautiful poem that is now made into a little book that gives people hope that what you do as small as it may seemed, matters.

All was done first class as usual. For gifts we received: flowers in our room and a basket with fruit and candy and water bottles,  leather "morrales type purses for all, a shirt for all the men "guayabera type", leather with fabric folders made in Guatemala with our names engraved for each and pens and markers. I gave each on of the ladies a little box made in la palma, El Salvador. something I like to do at the cluster meetings is to give the ladies a souvenir.

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