Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A quote by Gordon B. Hinckey

“Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he’s been robbed. The fact is that most putts don’t drop, most beef is tough, most children grow up to just be people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration, most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is like an old time rail journey…delays…sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling burst of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride.” 
― Gordon B. Hinckley
I was thinkg about this quote today because our investment in the Hotel Park City did not turned out to be what we expected. We have lost a lot of money now that we sold it but are thankful to be able to acquire something new in hopes this one turns out to be better for us. I am thankful for whatever we still have to invest at the City Creek development but most important, I am thankful for our good health.  

Monday, September 16, 2013

Thinking of Daniel

Today I feel inpired to write something about my husband Daniel. He has to travel to the rest of the Caribbean islands at times and that is when I realize how much I miss him. When you look into his eyes I see a man with integrity. What I love about Daniel is that I see a true self. Never lying or deceiving. I can honestly say he is all the way completely trustworthy. He is one I know who will always be loyal to me and that is one thing I find most precious from a husband.

He is wise like Solomon. At work he has to make decisions all the time dealing with people and issues using his sense of discernment and he is almost always right on.

He is brave like Jonathan. I love the fact that he is not afraid to do hard things. He welcomes any challanges and adverstiy with serenity fully understanding of the Lord being in charge.

He is obedient like Abraham. He has told story after story that even when he does not agree with what he is told to do, he does it anyway.

He is faithful like Joshua. I am a witness to his faith and devotion to the Lord and how he takes the Lord's business seriously.

Like Peter, Jesus is his closest friend. I know he has a testimony of Jesus and his atonement.

Daniel is willing to suffer for the cause of spreading the Gospel like Paul. He takes any opportunity to tell people about his work and bring a little light into their life.

My husband has the best job a person can ever have. He is working hard to build the Lord's  kingdom. His job is not like any ordinary job and that is why I don't just support what he does but I love what he does and I am 100% with him.  

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Punta Cana directors' seminar

This year from May 22 to May 25 for the first time, Daniel had all the directors and their respective wife to attend a directors seminar at Dreams in Punta Cana. We started with a devotional by elder Andersen and then we went to check in at the Dreams resort. I came with the Rappleys since Daniel was very busy at work as usual. He got in much later just as we started the seminar in the afternoon. Kent Rappleye had the first presentation he does so well about Christopher Columbus.

The next day each department reported on their goals met as well as what needs to be accomplished.
Daniel has a chart that he uses to simplified work to be done. It was good to get to know each department and what they do. At this time sister Monson had passed away so we also had a chance to watch her funeral services. President Monson and sister Monson were together for 64 years. She never complain to her husband been away from home or wanted to be the center of attention. She was a very down to earth lady.

 Daniel was the last one to speak and shared what he had received from the Bishopric which is pretty much what it has been talked about for the past year. he read D&C: 88:73 " Behold, I will hasten my work in its time." and it looks like because of all the new changes, this is the time we live in where the work needs to be hasten.

A Welcome Home!

Mandy came home to the DR on April 22 2013. She had been serving a mini mission in Puerto Rico. It all started by attending a Mission President's seminar in October of 2012 when I felt a strong desire to ask President Alvarado and his wife if I could send my youngest daugher who was turning 21. She was waiting to turn 21 to go on her mission before the age for missionaries changed. I wanted her to skip a semester from school to instead have her be  immerse in service to the Lord.

 Every Monday she wrote us and we got to know how much good a mission does for our kids. I wish all youg men and youg women get to go on one. It changed Mandy's life. She has such a good heart and a good attitude so I knew she would love her mission.

Mandy wanted to do baptisms for the dead when she got home so that was about the first thing we did. We went to listen to sister Mahom on beauty and of having good possitive thoughts. Mandy  spoke in church on Sunday in Spanish and what a treat that was. I am so thankful for the tender mercies and for helping Mandy grow and mature. She is an amazing girl and we are proud of her.

The same week Mandy came home Rosita and John Behner were in town too. They had meetings with their Sai Baba followers and we tried to be good hosts.  I wished I could have taken them to the Bonao farm or to brother Almonte's cabin but they left too soon to do anything and they were busy with their friends too. I admire them for all the service they do. They have so much energy for their age. They are an amazing couple and great example of service.

Bianca's wish

Bianca has this wish to be a mother. She loves children and Joseph is so cute with kids but it has not happened yet. It is what our family is praying for. I would love to see my child hold a baby of her own. Last April I received the news that her doctor couldn't hear the heartbead of her baby. She was 8 weeks pregnant by that Monday April 15 when she heard the news.  I cried when I read the email she sent us. When I told Daniel, he said: "you better go to New York" and so I called Margie to see if I could get a body pass from her to fly jet blue ASAP and she found someone who had one so thanks to her, I got on the plane the next day to spent time with her and even went to the store and to the Manhattan temple the day before she had her D&C procedure done on Friday April 19. A very sad day for my sweet Bianca.

 It was such an emotional drain for everyone. Bianca even showed me a little cute stuff  Easter bunny she had bought at the Grand Central store a few days earlier. I wanted so much to take all that pain away if I could. But what I appreciated the most was to watch how people around her were concerned and wanted to help. Someone loan them a car, another brought dinner,others sent flowers, many called etc. Even a simple how are you doing? feels good when you are going through grief. It will not take the sadness away but it will make you feel better knowing that people do care.

 On Saturday she even felt better to clean the apartment. I made chicken soup and lasagna. Bianca made some crapes on Sunday. We had to either take a taxi, the bus, train or subway to get anywhere because on top of it all, their car broke down and was at the repair shop. It was great to be at Church on Sunday and to watch Bishop Joseph Merkley, my son-in-law conduct the meeting. I cound't be more proud. I bought my ticket to come back on Sunday because the next Monday Mandy was getting home from her mini mission.

Quick stop in Miami

To go anywhere west of The Dominican Republic, we always need to stop in Miami so this year Daniel is going to be making a lot of stops there and whenever I have to go somewhere, I know that for a few hours I will be in the Miami airport or if it is a long wait of many hours, I will get to see my sister Mari and my mom or Alejandro and Lexi. Last time we were there during Easter and Vanessa was there also. Eric Allred came to dinner and Alejandro and Lexi and Lexi's sister and brother-in-law. It as geat!

Don't leave home without it!

This is the silliest thing I've done. I packed and thought of anyting I needed for my trip including my temple recommend so I placed it in a safe place so I would not forget it. I am there in Uruguay talking to Gabriel and Danae since Danae had left her temple recommend in another purse and there was no time to get it, I get to the temple and realized I don't have mine either. But by some miracle we got in just when the ceremony was about to start. All they needed was my full name and birhtdate.

 Earlier that day we had gone to the Courthouse where they had their civil marriage performed. In Uruguay the law only allows a civil marriage to be legal but the promises are all the same like to be a good provider and faithful husband, if I remember correctly. It was a beautiful day, busy with things Daniel needed to do downtown so he can now vote. In Uruguay is against the law not to vote  but Estela Caballero was there to explain that the reason he has not voted is that he resides in another country.

The ceremony was beautiful as they all are, and the party at night was amazing. The tradion is that all que guests arrive and visit with each other before the bride and the groom so the minute they walk in, everyone stands and they start with a dance. Afterwars everyone lines up ladies on one side and men on the other to have the last dance with the couple and that is when you greet them. In Mexico they even pin money to their chothes as each person dances with the bride and groom. The party lasted to the early morning around 4:am but we left around 2:am because we were a little tired from our long plane ride the night before. Being at a party for that long, you do get to talk to people and we sat next to some family members I had not met. There is a woman who knits this cute baby shoes that we have given to our grandchildren so I finally got to meet her. All this time we thought it was Daniel's mom who made them. she does make cute sweters. We got to spend the evening with all the cousins and even those who live in Brazil came to the wedding. I knew Estela but had not met her daughter Vanessa and her son Luciano and their spouses and children so that was nice.

This time around we went to a place called Santa Teresa that I called Santa Teresita all the time and I don't know why? but people kept asking, you mean Santa Teresa right? Well it was nice to look at the ruins there. We took a picture as if it was The Titanic. Then we went to a  beautiful Colonial town where I bought purses for all our 10 girls, daughters and daughters -in -law. We also went to La Paloma beach home and to some other place that is full of hippies. It was great to get on the jeep ride and to see something I would have seen right around the 70' like a site off woodstock. I will never forget the smell of marihuana on that jeep. The place is full of sea lions and it has a lighthouse that you can climb. The best part of going to Uruguay is to be with the family. I love Daniel's family. they are loving and caring people. His mother is so cute to talk to. She is so wise too. His brother Roberto and his wife Sandra are such hard workers, and his little brother Miguel Angel is also an angel. It was great to ge to know them a little better.

Cluster Meeting in Panama

For the first time I got to see the amazing Panama Canal and to experieced it, but crossing from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean or the other way around. It is still incredible to me to know it was built by men over a century ago. I also never had realized how long it takes to go across, like five hours.

The meetings like always were fantastic. Bishop Stevenson and Gary Porter and Jorge Duran were in charge of the meetings. We learned of the beautiful blessings that come when you follow the teachings of our Heavenly Father and Jesus. How many programs in the Church have dramatically changed. The new way of teaching, the age for missionaries to serve, family history, the changes with PEF and the employment centers, etc. All these changes are to better serve others.

 One of the highlights was to see the Temple in Panama and to meet some very nice members there. I loved it, the meeting with the women was wonderful. It was inspired by a beautiful poem that is now made into a little book that gives people hope that what you do as small as it may seemed, matters.

All was done first class as usual. For gifts we received: flowers in our room and a basket with fruit and candy and water bottles,  leather "morrales type purses for all, a shirt for all the men "guayabera type", leather with fabric folders made in Guatemala with our names engraved for each and pens and markers. I gave each on of the ladies a little box made in la palma, El Salvador. something I like to do at the cluster meetings is to give the ladies a souvenir.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Wedding for Mandy and Spencer

A wedding can be a lot of work from booking the catering, flowers, invitations, photographers, decorating, color theme, dress, etc but well worth it! Mandy and Spencer's wedding turned out beautiful. It was the perfect day, not a cloud in the sky. They were married  in the Salt Lake Temple on August 10 2013. Later on that day a ring ceremony took place at the home of Ralph and Dian Morrison, Spencer's parents. The home is unique with a creek that runs in their back yard. the perfect setting for a wedding. Our dear friends and family who attended were not dissapointed. There was a photo booth, an art station for the children to draw and even play soccer to name a few activities.  Crapes and pupusas to eat and a lot of dancing!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Wedding on Saturday July 6 2013 For Ani and Spencer

We left Salt Lake on July 2 to go to Nebraska to be with Pablo and Sydney and Ani and Spencer. They were  to be married on Saturday July 6 2013. Hernan, Rachael, Lexi, Alejandro and Valentina were arriving one by one. Bianca and Mandy also came. Gabriel was already there from Argentina. It was great for Gaby to see his brothers and sisters afer 5 years.
 It was a good thing we stopped in Wyoming because the trip is long. It takes 12 to 14 hours from Salt Lake depending on stops to get there but we made it. The temple ceremony was wonderful and there was a ring ceremony too at the reception. We were very happy for both Spencer and Ani to take this huge step in their life even when adversity always want to ruin things at times. The wedding ceremony and reception and all of what she wanted for her wedding despite of it all, went well.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Beckett Kelly Dame is born!

On June 1 2013 I get a call from Cristi telling me that she is feeling contractions and that she thinks the baby will come three weeks early and that she is not ready. I told her to go to the Hospital if the contractions got stronger and more frequent because the last thing she wants is to have this baby at home or in an ambulance. They did go around midnight and sure enough the baby was born the next day on June 2 2013 and they named him Beckett Kelly Dame.

I changed my flight to get there as soon as I could. The only problem is that I wasn't much help. Somehow I caught a nasty cold on the way there and got so sick. For three weeks instead of me helping out, I was the one they had to care for. Nevertheless, it was so wonderful to meet the newest member of our family. Now Daniel and I share 8 grandchildren.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Visit to see my mom, sister and her family.

I wanted so much to be with my mom on her birthday this year but it was impossible. We were in Santo Domingo that day hosting the visit of Elder Andersen of the Qourum of the twelve and Elder Rasband of the Seventy. It turned out wonderful since he gave us a blessing. I had been putting flights on hold in case I could still use my miles at a different time in February and I did. I went for about 12 days from Feb. 22 to March 4 and I even got a chance to stop in Miami to see Mari. In El Salvador I participated in a huge Helping hands activity of 2000 members to clean a lake that has been contaminated by a vicious plant called ninfa. I got dirty like everybody else and worked hard that day untill my eyes were itching and burning. The plant is toxic and it gives out a stinging feeling. My hands were also itching for days even though I wore gloves. LIz had to go to Honduras to watch Paola play soccer and I became like their other mother to the boys. Alex took us to Church mostly thanks to the missionaries who came and ivited him, it made all of us so happy he agreed.  I loved the fact that I got a chance to attend Church twice and to see many of my old friends and sweet faithful women I admire so much. I also got to visit an elderly woman in Miramonte, niña Alicia. She has always appreciate me coming. Two sons Richard and Larry still live close by and larry still comes every day to eat lunch with her. I went to the Foreign Affairs office too because I feel they need to call the perfect Honorary Consul in Utah that I know so well but I don't know what they will do with that. I honesty can't stand those people who are so inept. I am so sad for my country that has the worst men you can think of running for President. I do have hope that the new mission will help the situation. I am also excited to learn that our friend Kai Hintze is going there as the mission President. I will for sure want come as often as I can while they are there.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Char has a new baby brother!

Sydney Almeida gave birth to a healthy baby boy on February 25 2013!
 Yes, we knew it was going to be a boy but you always wonder what he would look like. I think by what I have been told this boy looks a lot like Pablo. They have named him Graeme Ulysses. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Lessons from a butterfly by Elder Andersen

Elder Andersen's analogy of the butterfly.
Elder Andersen told the young adults and the youth about the butterfly. He explained that they migrate from North to South and then back from South to North and die withing 10 days but before they die they lay their eggs. He told them how fragile they are, and how we should think of the holy spirit being fragile too, any movement we do contrary to the Lord's commandments would damage it.  He made all of us sing I am a child of God and made a big enphasis that we are all children of God.  We need to make correct choices and to not  have any excuses of wrong choices we make. Sister Andersen told a story about her grandson who had lost his CTR ring and therefore could not make the right choices after she asked him why he kicked his brother? He replied that he lost his CTR ring and couldn't make the right choices.  Elder Andersen  spoke of how we can become beautiful to our Heavenly Father. Just like the cocoon becomes a beautiful butterfly.

Visit of Elder Andersen and Elder Rasband

For ten days we were busy with the visit of Elder Neil Andersen and a Seventy, Elder Rasband. The picture was taken at a dinner at the Hilton Hotel in Santo Domingo were they were staying. I traslated for sister Rasband and for sister Andersen. They participated in stake conferences, missinary devotionals as well as young adult and young men and young women devotionals. They also had meetings with all the stake presidents and bishops. There was a special meeting with the stake presidents's wives and the mission Presidents wives including the Temple President wife. In that meeting they went over D&C section 25 and they talked about meekness, being an elect lady, to lay aside the things of this world ,be aware of pride and to cleave unto the covenants. They also came to the office for a special devotional. I love elder Rasband's comments on being united. He said: The power of unity vs. Individual, individual members together come as one read Mosiah 18:21 " And he commanded them that there be no contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith, and one baptism, having their hears knit together in unity and in love one towards another." He spoke of love and harmony. Elder Rasband told us at dinner  that he likes to say a story and to build his talk based on a story or something you can picture in your mind and for the office the example he gave was the choir. How effort is put in to each sounding so wonderful as a whole. Elder Andersen was more direct and told the employees if one of them feels that their faith is diminishing to leave their place of employment. He read D & C 12:8" And no one can assist in this workexcept he shall be humble and full of love, haivng faith, hope and charity, being temperate in all things, whatsoever shall be entrusted to his care." and Alma 32:41 that talks about nourishing the faith with great diligence. He started by telling everyone that there are two voices we can adhere. One is the gentle small voice of the Holy Spirit and the other is the voice of our Prophet and Aposttles. Elder Andersen thinks of a topic and works around his topic.
 What I gathered from the sisters is their love for Christ. The courage to stand for what you know is true. Sister Rasband talked about the statue of Liverety in New York and how she has a torch that can be seeing from far away. Sister Andersen told the missionaries how the whole world is constantly praying for them. Elder Andersen talked about prech my gospel and talked about the change someone feels after they have been converted. Sister Andersen also told the story of her mother who very faithfully always paid her tithing and she saw a change of dress after she had gone to the Temple. The meetings were all so amazing and wonderful but the most wonderful part of this visit is tha Elder Andersen gave our family a blessing. He gave a very special Apostolic blessing to my children, garandchildren and great-grandchldren who were not even born yet. The last words of Elder Andersen at the stake conference were: We are becoming something more... we are becoming children of God. I testify that Jesus is the Christ, I am a witness of Jesus Christ,  he lives!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Serving the Lord!

Mandy got the chance of her lifetime to help the mission in Puerto Rico. President Alvarado and his wife were so kind to let her come for one Semester or 16 weeks. We are getting letters from her every Monday. She writes of her experiences that she calls Miracles! She bears her testimony and is now more than ever understanding what it feels like to forget about the world to be a true disciple of the Lord. In those letters she writes: " I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve. I really has strengthen my testimony so much."

" I saw a lot of miracles this week and it has really humbled me. One thing I have learned from this experience is that I feel  the capacity to love expand. When I didn't know I could love any more, somehow my heart grew and I can. I really do grow a love for the people we meet with and I want them to be happy. I have learned a lot this week about being humble and having patience; all of which strengthen faith. It amazes me every day."

 "I am learning more and more about the gospel that I guess I always knew, but never really felt until now. There is a difference between knowing something and feeling it. I feel that I can truly testify of the atonement and our Savior and that God loves me. I am very grateful that God teaches me every day that this is His work. I love the mission, I am really loving it."

"I feel like my testimony is getting stronger and that I am growing so much. We have to do a 40 day fast of something, my 40 day fast is that I am fasting negative thoughts. I feel so good inside because I am around such strong and great examples. I feel the spirit easier when I am positive all the time, and I feel happier and more energyzed. I could go on forever on how amazing this mission is. The mission is so great, I really love it so much."

"I was excited to come out on this mission but I had no idea how much it would affect me and changed me. I feel the pure love of Christ he has for everyone icluding me. Being able to sit down and talk to people of Puerto Rico has changed my heart and I can alredy begin to see a change happening inside me. I feel so happy all the time."

"This week was a great week, probably one of the best so far. We were able to hear from an Apostle and an Elder from the Quorum of the Seventy. That was a huge blessing. Elder Andersen gave a really amazing talk. the topic that stood out to me was the atonement, and truly understanding it. A lot of the questions that were buzzing around in my head were settled. I feel that my faith has been strengthened, and I feel so much happier. I love this Gospel, and even if I give it my all, and I never was able to help bring the spirit to convert anybody, I know that por lo menos, my own soul has been converted. Before I had a strong testimony of the Gospel, but now I feel converted of it. I want to live it with exactness."

" I feel like I have learned a lot this week that I couldn't have learned anywhere else. I am learning more and more how to love. It's amazing and testifies to me that the light of Christ works in our hearts. and helps our hearts open up more than I ever thought. This week has been a good week. I felt so much joy and I wasn't sure why I was so happy. I just was. Situations that should have been so stressful, like trying to find where people lived when I really didn't know the area so well, they should have been stressful and I should have been grouchy. But I wasn't, I was happy. I was laughing, and smiling and felt God's love. I knew I was a daughter of God and that is all that mattered."

"I know now why everyone loves their mission so much. How can you not when it is centered around Christ and love? I could never have imagined the kind of joy it brings to be on a mission. I want to make sure I never forget this, so when I return I can do missionary work at home."

"This week was really a learning process for me, and also an amazing miracle. This week I have felt some of the lowest lows and some of my highest highs. It is moments like this that I don't want to go home. It is so amazing seeing how the spirit touches people's lives and they do change their hears and the light of Christ shines from them. It is also an example to me and it amazes me. There are no words to explain the pure joy that I felt saturday at the Colone's baptism. It was such an emotional experience. I felt the Spirit strong."

This week was a great week, we met a lot of people and spiritually I have been growing a lot. When I go home, I am going to make it a priority to go out with the missionaries as much as I can. I want to be active for the rest of my life as a member, to invite others to come to Christ. I want to be more diligent in making sure that I reach out to everyone in my ward and that I make sure everyone feels included."

Monday, February 4, 2013

A first time in Nebraska

At Adam-ondi-Ahman
At liberty jail

Winter Quaters

We would have never thought about going to Nebraska if is wasn't for the fact that Ani has moved to a small town there. we wanted to see where she lived so while we were on vacation in Utah, we took a quick trip to Nebraska.  To my surprise, there are some many historic sites in the area and a must see if you love history. We also added the Zoo in Omaha because we were told it was worth our time. We also went to Inependance Missouri and Kansas of course. I never knew how easy it's to go accross  these States  from one place to another. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Visit to meet the family

 It turns out that Daniel's passport had no more pages and that was the perfect excuse to travel to Uruguay but for me it was the grand opportunity to meet Daniel's side of the family. I fell in love with them all and their country. Uruguay is so amazing and  beautiful! I did not feel unsafe while I was there even late at night. The people seemed so nice and friendly. I particulary loved the beach at Punta del Este.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Celebrating my birthday in Vegas

Since I wanted to see what the Cirque du soleil was all about and once we almost made it to the show but got there 5 minutes late, I made sure this time would happen. I booked a flight with hotel for 2 nights the 3 and 4 of January 2013. We stayed at the Mirage. I remember it being a nice hotel but I can tell it has seen its better days. It's fine but not a 5 star. I got many calls from our children and grandchildren. Cristi and family were in Thailand many hours difference. I also received over 100 greetings from facebook friends. It is amazing how many people you don't even know take the time to congratulate you on your birthday. In Vegas, what do you do if you are a Mormon? walk, shop and eat! That's what we did and it was great! Daniel bought me a Pandora braselet, when I pointed to it, he didn't even know they existed. We went to the Cheese Factory to use a gift certificate we got from Brooks and Cristi. I doubt I'll ever be back to Vegas for anything since New York, Boise, Buenos Aires, San Salvador, Montevideo, Miami, Omaha, and Dallas await us.